Snowflake Puzzle 2024

When I began designing snowflake puzzles in 2019, I created four different board styles. Three of them were straightforward to design puzzles for, but the one I labeled "style-three" at the time proved to be problematic. This style had twelve outer cells that connected to only one other cell, which made it difficult to design a clue system that would ensure puzzles had unique solutions. 

A strong enough clue type could force a unique solution, but would make the puzzle too trivial. Weaker clues could still lead to unique solutions, but the logic required often involved techniques that were tedious for humans. The challenge was to create clues that struck a balance and still guaranteed a unique solution, despite the outer cells having so few connections. This year, I decided to give style-three another shot, and after experimenting with many clue ideas, I believe I've come up with something enjoyable.

As usual, the solution and a PDF version can be found at the links below.

PDF Version


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